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The Loop — Spring 2020 by Howard Hanna Insurance

From the President’s Desk
We’re Here For You: Credits & Premium Relief Policies
Paycheck Protection Program
Francis’ Corner: The Suspension Of Sports
Community Involvement: Howard Hanna Free Care Fund Make More Happen Award
Twin For The Day
Winter Photos Submitted To The Loop
Insurance Word Search Puzzle
Am I properly insured?
Calling All Photos
What is the Client Portal?

From the President’s Desk: “Normal”
Annie Hanna Engel

The responsibilities and dynamics of all of our lives have changed dramatically in the past month or so. My family, and your Howard Hanna Insurance family, are wishing your household health, safety, and stability. Working with our insurance carriers, we’ve identified coverage resources and opportunities, both of which are highlighted here in The Loop. Your Howard Hanna Insurance team is also available to help customers new and old. We’ve all been working remotely for several weeks and have the systems to allow us to continue to be an amazing and cohesive team for you.

I—like many of you—am spending more unexpected and welcome time with my family. I, like many of you, had big plans… I was going to learn a language or three, work out three times a day, bake bread… read every book on every shelf… Well, it turns out that I’m not so great at the bread or the language or the three workouts a day—

In fact a “normal” schedule for me is what is best. On top of our best wishes for health and safety, what I wish for you is your “normal.”




Annie Engel


We’re Here For You: Credits & Premium Relief Policies

Howard Hanna Insurance and the carriers we represent recognize the uncertainty and financial challenges many of our clients are facing as we work together to slow the spread of the coronavirus. To help our clients, most insurance carriers have taken the following actions:

  • Providing some sort of auto premium relief either in the form of a credit, refund, or payback.
  • Removal of late fee charges and temporarily pausing cancellations due to non-payment for personal auto and home customers.
  • Howard Hanna Insurance will continue to work with individual customers and their insurance carrier to extend payment dates if needed and provide personalized support.
  • Some insurance carriers have stepped up to provide auto coverage for customers across the country whose job responsibilities now include using their personal vehicles to make food, grocery, pharmacy and medical supply deliveries. *Each insurance carrier contract will differ so coverage will be determined in accordance with that specific carrier contract and its provisions. Please do not assume coverage exists without discussing with us directly or with your insurance carrier.


Paycheck Protection Program
Helping our clients with the PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) Loan Application process.

Howard Hanna Insurance is pleased to provide an additional resource for those that plan to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). In keeping with our commitment to provide peace of mind, we are providing an exclusive link which will launch you into an online smart form to complete your application–making it much easier to complete.

Click here to start the online smart form.

Upon completion, this will provide you with the document you need to provide to the bank for which you are applying. Please be advised this is simply a resource; completing the application via this smart form does not guarantee lender approval of your loan.


Jessica Entwistle

What is gratitude? To so many right now, it’s being healthy and being surrounded by those we love. It’s being thankful for technology that allows us to stay connected, even in isolation. It’s reminding ourselves of simpler times and simpler pleasures and the importance of kindness, empathy and unity.

I am personally grateful to have a strong support network of family, friends and colleagues, who are keeping me balanced, sane and happy during this upheaval in our lives. I am grateful for stashed away chocolate and snuggled evenings at home mulling over the world, how we carve out our spot in it and maybe even leave it a little better than we found it.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that people only tell each other “thank you” when something momentous happens. This being a tragic, yet momentous, time in our lives, it’s natural that people will express their gratitude toward one another as a show of community and solidarity. Perhaps one of the many lessons we walk away from this with will be:

Be grateful for the good in your lives each and every day, and express gratitude without hesitation, openly. Make showing gratitude a daily practice, and perhaps in doing so, we’ll all make the world a little better.


Francis’ Corner: The Suspension Of Sports
Danielle Shearer

Francis is a sports fanatic, so like most, he was devastated by the news that all sports had been suspended recently. For an 8-year-old, the only thing I can imagine would be worse than this news is finding out that you are now in charge of helping your 4-year-old brother go to the bathroom. In other words, it stinks!

The good news here for Francis is that he had prepared for this suspension without even knowing it. He’s been playing sports “in his head” since he was four. So really, he doesn’t need the actual games, he creates them!

He will pretend to be the announcer, the crowd, and all players wrapped in one. Should the need arise for me to interrupt him, he reminds me that he’s in the middle of a game and will handle whatever it is that I need (typically the request for him to brush his teeth, go to bed, or do a chore) when his game is finished. Most days, I feel like I’m on a bad episode of Super Nanny where the child is running the show.

Rather than explain much more from my perspective, Francis wrote out his own synopsis of how he was prepared for this very moment. Here it is in his words (side note, at the bottom of page 2 you’ll notice a sentence that ends with “O and D.” Francis advised me he was just going to abbreviate offense and defense since his patience was thinning and he felt those words were too long to write out):

Suspension Of Sports

Well, I’ve been playing by myself sports since 4 years 2016 – 2020 I felt like I was prepared for the suspension of sports because of COVID-19. I started out with hockey, then football, next baseball, football again, hockey, well first I announce while I’m playing, and I play both O and D. The game ends when I want to stop playing and so that’s all I know how I play


Francis Shearer


Community Involvement: Howard Hanna Children’s Free Care Fund Awarded $10,000 From Safeco Insurance® Make More Happen Awards
Debbie Donahue

Safeco Insurance is pleased to announce that Howard Hanna Insurance Services has earned a 2019 Make More Happen Award. This award acknowledges the agency’s commitment to improving their community through volunteer work with the Howard Hanna Children’s Free Care Fund, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to the care of children. The Fund was established to ensure that children never be denied the best medical care available, whether a child is without health insurance or cutting-edge care that isn’t covered under an insurance plan. The Make More Happen Award includes a $10,000 donation to the Howard Hanna Children’s Free Care Fund.

Read the full press release by clicking here.


Twin Day

Great minds think alike, so much so that our account management team often shows up looking like we spent hours planning our outfits together the night before. Check out these moments of entirely coincidental wardrobe choices.


Winter Photos Submitted To The Loop

In our January 2020 Winter Edition of The Loop, we asked you to share how you celebrate the winter season with photos. Pictured above are the submissions you provided of enjoying winter with a loved one, a furry friend, attending charity events, and participating in snow day activities. Thanks for all the submissions!


Insurance Word Search Puzzle

Looking for something fun to do during your free time? Take a look at our Insurance Word Search Puzzle! You can download it by clicking the picture above.


Am I properly insured?

Last time, we asked, “What are you spending your tax refund on?” and you answered! The top choices were vacation and savings. In our new quiz, find out if you’re properly insured.

Am I properly insured?





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Last modified: April 17, 2020